Australia's first compostable T-Shirt

As a designer, my passion lies in driving positive change, innovating solutions, and contributing to the preservation of the natural world that brings immense joy to my life.

OFF THE GRID living festival Circular design 2024

What does it mean to be fashionable in 2024...

Shopping malls no longer feel glamourous but feel cheap. Stocktake sales run all year round and clothes bought soon expire leaving dissapointment and regret.

I start to ask myself if I buy this garment will I be fashionable or be seen as someone who supports fast fashion brands ?

2021 Textiles waste Composted

We have been composting our textiles waste regenerating it back into soil. A natural hemp fibre blended with organic cotton easily breaks down unlike polyestor blends that stay in landfill forever.

WHY This T- Shirt is so Brilliant


    We have composted all our textiles waste. It didn't take long we just needed to commit to the challenge..


    The plant - cannabis sativa

    Known since the ancient times for its medicinal and textile uses. Fiber and agricultural features, drought & pest resistance, advance root system preventing soil erosion, lower water requirement. We have chosen a superior quality hemp & blended it with organic cotton. It's soft and built to last.


    We have removed as many chemicals as possible through research & process. Choosing better quality natural fibres, making sure we use biodegradable dyes and inks.